History of our society

Version francaise >

Before fencing became a sport, it served as a kind of life insurance for people occasionally obliged to reach for their epee. Even after the night of the Escalade, fencing teachers (Maîtres, abbreviated Me) were to be found in Geneva. Me Lami practised his art at the Corraterie from 1789 onwards. He was succeeded in 1826 by Me Guedin at the Cité, Me Marcellin in the rue du Vieux Collège, Me Renevier and later his son at the manège. They conducted the affairs of their fencing hall (salle d'armes) in complete independence. A law of 1 May 1816 brought the profession of Maître d'armes under the authority of the local police lieutenant.

Not everyone was satisfied by this arrangement and a number of fencers decided to assert their independence. On 17 March 1862 they met to found a Society and to take steps to establish their own fencing hall. The consituent assembly was held three weeks later on 12 April with RICHARD PICTET DE ROCHEMOND presiding. Since then, the Society has occupied a number of different premises:

rue des Chanoines
(now rue Calvin) 1867 - 1897
rue de Hollande 1897 - 1918
rue de la Corraterie 1918 - 1937
rue du Conseil G
énéral 1937 - 1962
rue Dancet 1962 - 1970
rte de Vessy, 14
Stade de Champel 1970 - present
(Bout du Monde)

Here we still meet and shall certainly continue to do so for quite some time. The rest of the Society's history will be well known to the loyal members who are its life blood.